Assistant Professor
Gijs Bijlstra received his PhD from Radboud University in Nijmegen (The Netherlands). Currently, he is working as assistant professor at the same university at the Behaviour Change and Well-Being department. His research focuses on intergroup processes, such as discrimination and prejudice reduction.

Assistant Professor
Ruddy Faure received his PhD from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2021 (Cum Laude). He is working as an assistant professor in social and organizational psychology at the Behavioral Science Institute, at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He is currently visiting the Department of Psychology at Florida State University, USA, as a Marie Curie research fellow. In his research, Ruddy focuses on the role of automatic processes in close relationships and in interpersonal contexts more broadly, in an effort to better understand how people navigate their social environments and promote both personal and relational well-being.

Assistant Professor
Tessa Lansu obtained her PhD in 2012 (Cum Laude) at the department of Developmental Psychology, Radboud University, Nijmegen, and currently is an assistant professor there. Her work examines to what extent implicit/automatic processes play a role in in children’s and adolescents’ peer relations. More specifically, how they play a role in social status among peers, victimization, social (status) goals and beliefs, hostile perceptions, aggressive behavior and bullying in the classroom.

Behavioral Scientist & Lecturer
Martijn currently identifies as a behavioural scientist, although originally schooled as an experimental social psychologist. During his PhD-research with Ad van Knippenberg, he studied attentional processes and processing of information in combination with different motivational states, requiring micro-level, response latency-type studies. Finishing his PhD-thesis, he changed directions. Together with Rick van Baaren, Martijn developed and founded the Behaviour Change programme in 2008, which he still chairs today. Next to the work on Behaviour Change that follows from this programme, he lectures on Intergroup Relations, with a focus on why it remains so difficult to change the status quo with regards to intergroup disparities.

Lecturer, Supervisor, & Coordinator of Education
Elkie is born and raised in the Netherlands and is working as a coordinator of the Bachelor 1 programme and Skills education for Psychology at RU. Elkie is involved in recruitment, selection and supervision of teachers at Psychology, and is responsible for several courses regarding training professional, academic and professional skills. She recently started a minor research appointment. Her research interests lie in diversity, equity, and inclusion, particularly in the organisational field.

PhD Candidate
Hannah is a PhD student in the Social Development Group at the Behavioural Science Institute. She is from Germany but has completed her Bachelor Psychology and Research Master Behavioural Science at the Radboud University Nijmegen. Her current research focusses on attitudes of children towards their classmates. Furthermore, Hannah is interested in open science practices, meta-science and methodology.

PhD Candidate
Max is a PhD student. Originally from Germany, he completed his Bachelor's in Psychology and a Research Master's in Behavioural Science at Radboud University, the Netherlands. In his PhD project he focusses on the role of social norms in prejudice reduction. He strongly values Open Science and is involved in multiple meta-science and methodological research projects. He currently serves as the Assistant Director of Translation and Cultural Diversity at the Psychological Science Accelerator.

PhD Candidate
Tjits van Lent is a PhD Candidate at the department Behaviour Change and Well-Being of the Radboud University. In her PhD, she is interested in how people learn from each other when interacting with people from different social groups. More specifically, she aims to examine the interplay between prejudice and instrumental learning. To target prejudice, it is important to understand the learning processes that contribute to prejudiced responses. She investigates questions such as: How does prejudice influence instrumental learning? And how does instrumental learning in turn affect prejudice? In her PhD, she works under the supervision of dr. Gijs Bijlstra, dr. Harm Veling, dr. Erik Bijleveld and prof. dr. Rob Holland.
Her research interests lie in intergroup relations, prejudice & stereotypes, dishonest behaviour and behaviour change. Together with dr. Gijs Bijlstra and dr. Thijs Verwijmeren, she additionally works on a research project on dishonest collaboration in an intergroup context.
In addition to her research, she teaches in the Master’s specialisation Behaviour Change and she is a member of the ASPO board (Dutch Association of Social Psychological Research).

PhD Candidate
Tobi is a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam. He did his Research Master in Behavioral Science at Radboud University and thereafter worked as an applied behavioral scientist. Now, he studies how prejudice affects behavior in an organizational context. His research focuses on underlying mechanisms of prejudiced decisions, motivation for inclusive behavior, and the influence of social norms. He aims to shed light on cognitive processes leading to discrimination, and to contribute to the development of interventions. His general research interests are centered around behavior change, social cognition, and social influence.

PhD Candidate
Afreen Khalid is a PhD candidate working with Gijs Bijlstra and Rob Holland at the Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University, where she also did her Research Master's. Her PhD project aims to gain insights into sustainable behavior change with regard to prejudice, discrimination, and inclusion.by designing and testing interventions in both lab and field settings. More broadly, her research interests include prosocial behavior, empathy, intergroup conflict, bias, altruism, and inequality. She is also passionate about open science, reproducibility, improving statistical practices, and the philosophy of science.

PhD Candidate
Joël is from the Netherlands and is a PhD candidate at the Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University. Her research interests lie in media psychology, entertainment media, narratives, diversity and inclusion, and openness towards underrepresented groups. Her current project focuses on how media narratives, such as films and TV series, can influence people’s openness towards the LGBTQ+ community. Joël also teaches within the Communication Science programme at Radboud University.

PhD Candidate
Gijsje is a PhD candidate at the BSI Department of Communication and Media. Her research focuses on the role of pluralistic ignorance in the maintenance of the sexual double standard and how audio-visual entertainment media, such as television shows and films, can contribute to the establishment and possible diminishment of this biased sexual norm. She works under the supervision of dr. Gijs Bijlstra, dr. Anita Eerland and prof. dr. Marieke Fransen.
In addition to her research, Gijsje teaches courses on Bachelor and Pre-Master level on qualitative interviewing, media content, media literacy, professionalization, and the sexual double standard. She is also a board member of the NEFCA’s Young Scholars Network (YSN)

Research Intern
Céline is a second-year Master's student in the Behavioral Science program at Radboud University and has been an integral part of the Social Cognition Lab since last year. She initially joined the lab as a Research Assistant and now joined us a research intern to pursue her Master's thesis. Her current research project is centered around exploring micro-expressions and their potential influence on liking.
Moreover, Céline commenced her teaching journey in the Psychology Bachelor program back in 2021. She has imparted knowledge in courses such as General Introduction to Psychology, Conversational Skills in Psychology, and Theoretical Psychology. In addition to teaching, Céline actively contributed by assisting in courses like Trends in Cognitive Neuroscience and Academic Writing within the Cognitive Neuroscience Master's program. Presently, she not only teaches but also co-coordinates the course Conversational Skills in Psychology.