Welcome to our lab site
The Radboud Social Cognition Lab is a research group located at the Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Our lab consists of social cognition researchers who are specialized in the study of prejudice, implicit bias, personal relations, and face perception. The RSCL conducts open, theory-driven, multi-method research that aims to understand human behavior and make the world a better place for current and future generations. To this end, our research aims to offer novel insights into why people behave the way they do as well as concrete interventions that may help promoting equality, health, and well-being. Our lab highly values open research practices and team-science. Therefore, we preregister our work, share research materials and data as much as possible, and participate in (large) team science projects.
Lab News
Tessa Lansu started a research project titled 'Safe at School' (VOP) and is currently looking for Dutch children and schools (groups 6, 7 and 8) to participate in the study.
Congratulations to Ruddy Faure who received the 2021 ASPO Dissertation Award for best PhD thesis in social psychology in the Netherlands.
Congratulations to Gijs Bijlstra who has been awarded a research grant from the AFAS Foundation for a intervention project entitled Toward a multicolored future: A longitudinal study of intervention strategies to sustainably reduce discrimination.
Gijs Bijstra and Ruddy Faure created the Radboud Social Cognition Lab.